The Market Singularity

The Digital Anarchist

Though when we hear the term “singularity” we most often associate it with the technological singularity sermonized by techno-utopian-futurists at TED conferences, there are in fact an innumerable number of phenomena to which the term singularity can apply.

Take for instance the Occupy movement, which was a profound moment of social singularity whereupon a cluster of individual actors spontaneously converged upon a specific time and place, both in the digital and literal physical sense, to produce a singular event in the history of human social cooperation toward a shared collective goal.

In essence, the term “singularity” can apply to any type of scenario wherein a cluster of seemingly unrelated points converge upon a single event, or event horizon. Whereas the prior interests responsible for motivating the initial movements of each actor are individualistic, it is during that moment of convergence upon the common event that the motive becomes a collective one.

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